名古屋大学 高等教育研究センター

第84回客員教授セミナー 大学のガバナンス改革のめざすもの
ドナルド・ウェスターハイデン 氏 オランダ トゥエンテ大学高等教育政策研究所・上級研究員 2017年3月23日(木)16:00~18:00 名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 文系総合館5階 アクティブラーニングスタジオ

■ 開催案内


ドナルド・ウェスターハイデン 氏
(オランダ トゥエンテ大学高等教育政策研究所・上級研究員)
名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 文系総合館5階 アクティブラーニングスタジオ




3国の大学ガバナンス改革は、NPM(新公共管理)やポストNPM というように、それぞれ異なるパターンで展開されている。改革は、ある面では大学の自治は推進しているが、他面で制限している。大学の自治をめぐる変化によって、大学執行部と一般教職員の間のシェア・ガバナンスにも影響を与えていることを示す。

■ 講演要旨

Summarised graphically (Fig. 1), at the level of whole dimensions the UK and Japan dominate the Netherlands regarding staffing autonomy. On organisation and academic autonomy, the UK dominates. Within this dimension, Japan dominates the Netherlands on student admission indicators and quality assurance. Concerning programme design and language of instruction the situation is reversed. On financial autonomy, both European countries dominate Japan. Drilling down to indicators, the UK proves most autonomous regarding tuition fees; the Netherlands dominates on the other financial indicators.

What happened to shared governance under NPM with its stress on management? In the three countries, managerial power has increased to the detriment of academic self-governance in procedural matters. In substantive matters, Japanese academics have retained more power than their European colleagues; traditions apparently live stronger in Japan. In the UK, management dominates also in substantive matters; in the Netherlands, external stakeholder guidance has intensified concerning substantive control.

British universities continue as the most autonomous in the comparison. A new class of powerful managers has arisen there, reducing academic self-governance. The Netherlands exemplifies a mixed approach to NPM, with strong network governance tendencies (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2011). The Netherlands’ mixed picture in the autonomy scorecard resembles Japan’s ‘post-NPM’ (Christensen, 2011) situation of strong autonomy in parts of areas together with state control through regulation (perhaps more in Japan) or external stakeholder guidance (perhaps more in the Netherlands, though the Mid-Term Plans show it presence in Japan too). At the cost of bureaucratisation of internal management, Japanese academics have retained more of their previous academic self-governance than Dutch and British colleagues.

Academic self-governance, or shared governance (Shattock, 2002), is portrayed as the ideal for long-term beneficial development of higher education. Governance reform is often based on (admittedly highly relevant!) short-term desires regarding knowledge transfer for innovation and education for employment. It has been shown here that shared governance has deteriorated in all three countries after such reforms, while managerial self-guidance tended to increase and external stakeholder guidance partly replaced governmental regulation but also made inroads on academic self-governance.

全文 expanded abstract はこちら

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