名古屋大学 高等教育研究センター

第92回客員教授セミナー アカデミックリーダーの能力開発
Maria Slowey 氏 アイルランド ダブリンシティ大学・教授 2018年10月25日(木)15:00~17:00 名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 文系総合館5階 アクティブラーニングスタジオ

■ 開催案内


Maria Slowey 氏(アイルランド ダブリンシティ大学・教授)
名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 文系総合館5階 アクティブラーニングスタジオ



■ 講演要旨

This seminar located discussion about leadership in higher education within the wider context of the impact of the knowledge society/knowledge economy on universities. Higher education faces competing demands from numerous stakeholders, including: employers (who seek ‘work ready’ graduates with relevant skills); students (not just ‘traditional’ school leavers, but also professionals requiring continuing education, updating and retraining); academic and disciplinary bodies (the publications of which have come to play an important role in national and international rankings); and wider civic society (with interests such as access, equality and the like).

Overarching all of these different concerns lies the role of the state in contemporary societies. What has been termed the‘steering state’ in many countries seeks to increasingly shape higher education to meet a variety of national objectives-not just educational-including, for example, economic development, regional development, inclusion and internationalization.

Viewed in an historical context, there is nothing new in universities having to balance autonomy and academic freedom with ‘serving’ external stakeholders. The qualitative difference in contemporary times lies in the speed of ‘reform’ and attention from ministries other than Education (finance, employment, public expenditure, health etc.) even as levels of pubic investment decrease.

In this situation arguably the development of leadership skills become even more important than ever in order to help equip those charged with university responsibilities to work in collaborative ways, protecting core values and activities, while at the same time being open to innovation and change.

The presentation drew on empirical studies from Europe, set alongside the experience of the presenter in leadership roles in universities in Ireland, England and Scotland. It explored the challenges posed to academic leaders at all levels- from ‘middle management’ such as Heads of Departments and Deans- through to senior management levels of Presidents and Vice-Presidents. Few receive any form of leadership training before embarking on their roles, and studies of faculty views on what makes a‘good leader' can offer one useful starting point.

A lively discussion followed in which similarities and differences between the situation in Japan and a number of European countries were debated. A common leadership challenge lies in dealing with national governments which are keen to shape higher education to meet current (and therefore, inevitably, short-term) policy priorities through funding and accountability mechanisms. Strategies to encourage engagement in training by those holding positions of responsibility with a view to strengthening capacity for more inclusive approaches were also discussed.


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