名古屋大学 高等教育研究センター


Murray W. Goldberg氏(カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学) 梶田 将司氏(名古屋大学情報メディア教育センター) 2000年 10月25日(水) 13:00-15:30 名古屋大学 ベンチャービジネスラボラトリー 3階ベンチャーホール

講演者:Murray W. Goldberg氏(カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)

■ 講演要旨

 In his talk Murray will cover two topics. First Murray will discuss the history of WebCT, both the product and the company. From its beginnings as a university research project at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Computer Science, to the international company now which employees over 300 employees and licenses software in approximately 60 countries. The company has its main offices in Boston in the USA and in Vancouver in Canada. Second, Murray will discuss current trends in educational technologies and how they relate to pedagogical issues. In some cases technologies are being driven by pedagogical needs and trends, and in other cases, pedagogical trends are being driven by the progress of technology. These trends and their effect on the student, the faculty member, the institution and the teaching and learning process will be discussed. While all of these trends have their root in the increasing use of technology in education, the trends themselves include the changing student demographic, the renewed focus on academic effectiveness and the personalization of education, the student-centered nature of web-based education, and the shift from early faculty adopter of technology to mainstream educator. Throughout the talk the trends will be related to some of the earlier research done by Murray in his capacity of Senior Instructor at the University of British Columbia.

講演者:梶田 将司氏(名古屋大学情報メディア教育センター)

■ 講演要旨
